A sweet romance with invisible disability Representation :) This is my first read from Katherine Center! I was so excited to get an advanced copy on NetGalley. ❤️
"Maybe it was more about the adjustment than anything. The before and afterness. The fact that the world–my world–was changed in ways that I never even imagined before all this happened."
"In a way there were no strangers. She loved her face blindness. She felt like it brought her out of her shell. She wholeheartedly believed it was a gift. Huh."
Read the book here!
Things I adored:
🧬 Learning about a new disorder
🎨 Artist MFC
🐾 The dog!!!
🥼 The dreamy Vet
🥰 Sweet and Clean
📝 Author's Note
I really loved learning about Face Blindness in this sweet story! It was so unique to see a disorder such as this explored in a rom-com and I thoroughly enjoyed it! I loved seeing a portrait artist have to find new mays to cope and adjust to her "new normal." I especially appreciated how this new perspective was applied to every day life.
What surprised me most is that my favorite part may have been the author's note at the end. I sincerely hope it gets published by itself as a blog article or something. It was POWERFUL! I highlighted so many quotes that I will keep with me. It was definitely one of the best author's notes I have ever read/listened to. Because romance stories are so much more than what we give them credit for. They provide so much in our lives and they are powerful. They give us hope and what could be greater in life. They allow us to escape and gain new perspectives in a safe space. And it isn't acknowledged enough. So THANK YOU for that gorgeous note at the end! I absolutely loved it! And I truly hope everyone will take time to read/listen to it at the end! Such a beautiful ending!
CW: Not really any warnings. This is a sweet romance. The medical details are very mild.
"We're all so steeped in our own confirmation bias. We're all so busy seeing what we expect to see. But we have our moments too. Moments when we see that tire blow out. Moments when we pay for the person behind us in the drive-thru, or offer up our seat to a stranger, or compliment someone's earrings, or realize we were wrong, or apologize. Sometimes we really are the best versions of ourselves. I see that about us. And I'm determined to keep seeing that about us. Because that might be the truest thing I'll know. The more good things you look for, the more you'll find."
"I think love stories are deeply misunderstood in part at least because they don't work like other stories. Love stories don't have happy ending because their authors didn't know any better. They have happy endings because those endings let readers access a rare and precious kind of emotional bliss that you can only get from having something that matters to look forward to."
"Yes misery is important, but joy is just as important. The ways we take care of each other matter just as much as the ways we let each other down. Light matters just as much as darkness. Play matters as much as work. And kindness matters as much as cruelty, and hope matters as much as despair. More so even. Because tragedy is a given, but joy is a choice."
"Love is a form of hope . . . love is healing, it's nurturing, it's unapologetically optimistic, it's the thing that leads us back to the light."
"But what I know for sure, is that reading love stories is good for you. That believing in love is believing in hope. And doing that, choosing in this cynical world to be a person that, does that really is doing something that matters."
*Please note: I listened to the audio so I have tried to annotate the quotes as best as possible :)
Thank you to NetGalley, the Publisher, author, and narrator for an advanced copy of this audiobook! All opinions are my own and have not affected my review in any way.
Discussion Questions
Spoonie Discussion Questions
What OwnVoices disability authors/books would you recommend?
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Have you read a book centered on Prosopagnosia before?
Just a minor character
Book Lover Discussion Questions
Did you see the twist coming?
Which man did you like more?
The Vet
I was torn
Did you feel this book was more character driven, plot driven, or mixed?
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